Herbal Antibiotics: An Eye-Opener

6 February 2017 – Last year I read two books by Stephen Harrod Buhner that challenge the modern-day narrative of pharmaceutical management of health as it pertains to bacterial and viral infections. These books seriously opened my eyes to a whole new side of treating disease that I had not previously given serious consideration. I decided…

I Made Tallow Candles!

9 June 2016 – Every week I get a bunch of sheep meat through work and I always find myself wondering what the heck to do with all the fat that gets trimmed off since I hate to see it go to waste. Well, I recently learned that you can make candles and cooking oil…

Getting Baled Out

23 March 2016 – Last November, I attended a series of workshops on straw bale construction. So glad I did! It was fun, further opened my eyes to the merits of another alternative home construction technique, and showed me that it’s not so complicated where it’s out of my reach. Introduction Yarra Valley ECOSS The workshop was…

Goats: A Great Livestock Option

19 March 2016 – One thing we are certain of is that our future homestead will have goats. We’ve learned from first-hand experience they are easy to handle, provide daily milk, are social, and will work to help keep your property in order. I recently read the below article by Kathy Bernier of Off the Grid…

No-Dig Gardening

29 Feb 2016 – Towards the end of last year, we visited the back yard of Angelo who is a presenter, trainer, and writer in the areas of sustainable gardening and Permaculture. In a word, his backyard was Amazing. The productivity of his garden per square foot far exceeds many commercial farming operations and a major…

Let Food Freedom Ring

Joel Salatin recently responded to 10 questions on food policy directed at the presidential candidates as if he were running. If you don’t know who Joel Salatin is, you should, and you can read about my first introduction to him in my post Heretics Unite! This is a re-blog of a post found on the Farm-to-Consumer…

EcoFarm Earth Bermed House

On October 24, 2015, we visited the home of the owner of EcoFarm, an earth bermed home built on the design principles popularized by Mike Reynolds’ Earthships. This house heats and cools itself and produces zero energy costs! Roof Construction Unlike the standard Earthship design of Mike Reynolds, this house’s roof is mostly subterranean. Except for…

Mowing Like a Badass

Last weekend I took a workshop with Joel Meadows on how to scythe. What is scything you may ask? Said simply: it’s mowing like a badass. For example, just watch this guy put to shame a traditional weed whacker:   Why Scythe? Mowing the lawn is one thing I definitely don’t enjoy doing. For the first…

We’ve Got Chickens!

For the long Melbourne Cup Weekend, we decided to forgo the cup and build a coup. The original plan was to wait until after Christmas, but we (including the landlord) became too impatient and decided to just go for it. Our aim is to take this opportunity to get our feet wet and learn by doing…